Your BFF

I know a lot of women with one, two or more BFF’s. Their ‘ride or die’ Their ‘squad’. I have a couple myself. I have never been the 15 bridesmaids type of girl though. I like my circle small. However, that is not what this post is about. This is a post about your spouse, specifically your husband being your best friend. I personally think that it’s vital to a marriage that your spouse is really and truly your best friend. You are planning to spend a lifetime, or the rest of your lifetime with this person. I think you should really, genuinely enjoy their company above all others. I know. I hear you. You like to have an outlet for when he drives you cuckoo bananas. You need to vent. You need to let off steam. I had a friend who used to use me as her sounding board for all things marital related. I knew her side of the story every time he allegedly treated her like crap. Every time she decided to leave him. Every single jerk thing he allegedly did. Eventually, having me around, knowing so much bad stuff, I guess it was too awkward. Exit friend. I don’t miss her. She was using me, both as her sounding board and for my Amazon Prime (but that’s another blog post haha). Obviously, I think if she had discussed some of these issues with her husband, maybe they would be happily together or happily apart today. I don’t know, but I assume they are mired in the same relationship, both loving and hating each other, not leaving, not making it better. Hopefully not. Hopefully they worked it out. My point is, if you have an issue with your spouse, no matter how trivial, I think it is best to tell them. I mean, if it is truly petty and you feel small and mean complaining about it, maybe you genuinely need to let it go. If it is big enough that you want to pour a big old glass of wine and bitch to your bestie about it for an hour…..maybe you need to tell your spouse. He literally cannot stop doing the thing if he doesn’t know it is a thing. I don’t pretend to know the secrets to a happy marriage, but it seems to me that genuine enjoyment of the other person and honesty about your feelings are pretty important. You know how you feel when two of your girlfriends get together and do a bitchfest about you. Your spouse feels the same way when you have a bitchfest about him. Also, if you are going to order parcels daily, get your own goddamn Amazon Prime.